Prologue From Reneir Like many before me, I like to think about “What If” scenarios. Now that can either be mentally healthy or unhealthy, depending on how well one knows their limits. For example, there have been some times over the years where I have overanalyzed Google Analytics 4 reports to the point where it […]
Prologue From Reneir For MAGNA APEX’s 12th Blog, I wanted to see how I could bring the last 11 to a full circle for 2024. Mind you, I did keep them on an overview level to be more introductory. I started off with talking about Digital Marketing, then went to Physical Fitness, and finally Mental […]
Prologue From Reneir I am a major advocate for athletic apparel. In my previous blog “Guiding Physical Fitness Brands Through The Digital Marketing Process”, it was mentioned that I do wear lululemon. I already have some gear that I purchased & excited to wear in 2025. Knowing that, the way I realized that there were […]
Prologue From Reneir My last blog titled, “Trailblazing Mental Health Initiatives With Digital Marketing Agencies” focused more on the internal initiatives that help employees including executives and marketing managers be at their best. The blog before it titled, “Taking A Natural Approach In-Between The Intersection Of Internet Marketing And Mental Health” briefly discussed how the […]
Prologue from Reneir In July 2023, I updated MAGNA APEX’s Mission Statement to focus on Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Financial Health. To connect with balancing my overall health along with the people I work with, this now involves working with a limited number of clients, who are usually small to medium businesses including Jonas Blade […]
Prologue from Reneir MAGNA APEX’s last 7 blogs including “Working Out The Mental Steps Between Digital Marketing Agencies & Physical Fitness Brands”, have talked about how Physical Health is a major part of life & how it can be used in the digital marketing world. This is where Mental health is just as important. In […]
Prologue From Reneir When I wrote “Comparing Physical Training And Nutrition With SEO And PPC Marketing”, I knew that I wanted to talk about the routine mental steps that need to happen in order to have a successful collaboration with Physical Fitness Brands. Over the years, I have built and continue to evolve a strong […]
Prologue From Reneir By now, you know that Physical Fitness is something that I am a strong advocate of and apply for myself. There are many factors that go into it including how one trains and how one nurtures their body. Something similar can be applied with Digital Marketing, more specifically SEO and PPC. To […]
Prologue From Reneir We can think of this blog as a direct sequel to “Creating Digital Content For Physical Fitness Brands”. In my experience, much of that digital content is also a needed tool when promoting Physical Fitness products sold on an e-commerce site. A hypothetical example could be a Fitness Influencer could create a […]
Prologue From Reneir My last blog, “Guiding Physical Fitness Brands Through Marketing Agencies Processes“ talked about the different types of products and services that Physical Fitness brands can offer. I also shared some of my favorite brands. As I guide MAGNA APEX on the path to continue working on SEO, PPC, and Social Media Marketing […]